A Fine Line between the Weak and the Strong
Released on: November 16, 2007, 9:20 pm
Press Release Author: Christine Layug
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: There is a big difference when it comes to wicker dog beds and wooden dog beds, which is discussed below.
Press Release Body: What do you think is the different about wicker dog beds and wooden dog beds? Well aside from the name "wicker" and "wood", wicker dog beds and wooden dog beds are different from each other. Well we all know the wicker came from the wood, but what we are talking about is the difference of wicker dog beds from the wooden dog beds.
The first thing is, traditional wicker dog beds are made out of a material from plants, the materials often used on wicker dog beds can be any part of a plant, such as the cores or canes of rattan stalks, or the whole thickness, as with willow switches. Other popular materials used for wicker dog beds include reed and bamboo. But wooden dog beds are made from pure solid material derived from woody plants, notably trees but also shrubs.
Secondly, wicker dog beds cannot be made by anyone who doesn't have an experience in making wicker dog beds. But when it comes to wooden dog beds, anyone who has a hammer, nails and wood can make one of those wooden dog beds.
Third, wicker dog beds are more expensive than the wooden dog beds. Because wicker dog beds are more complicated to work with, this is because all of wicker dog beds are all hand made, and I mean literally hand made, hammers can only go so far onto making some wicker dog beds. But when it comes to wooden dog beds, with a little craftsmanship, anyone can make some quality wooden dog beds, which is why wooden dog beds are cheaper than the wicker dog beds.
Fourth, wooden dog beds are stronger than the wicker dog beds. Well as discussed earlier, wicker dog beds are made from fiber of plant and that the wooden dog beds are made from, what else, wood.
So if you talk about the difference between the wicker dog beds and the wooden dog beds, you don't always have to look at what wicker dog beds and the wooden dog beds appearances are and their texture, but also the some of its elements involved and making the wicker dog beds and the wooden dog beds.
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